Inside Out Movement Wellness Journey

“This is a first of its kind journey to a life of intention, love, freedom, and dedication.”

Holly Riddel


“The IOM is such a catalyst to deep dive and reflect on past traumas and truly do the work to heal those wounds. My journey will be a bit longer than 4 days as I had no idea how much I was dealing with subconsciously. Seriously, it is so amazing what you have done and it’s so beautifully simple! I’ve seen therapists, done mezcal ceremonies, sound baths, read self-help books – and those things quiet your mind for a bit, but then patterns repeat if you don’t have the time to continually devote to those activities. The reason THIS works is it’s just you and YOUR journey and you can do it whenever! I literally sent one to my mother for her birthday yesterday. We both need to do the healing work.”

Audrey, Los Angeles

A Breakthrough Wellness Tool that helps people release internal pain that holds them back.

People are living with so much pain
locked inside from abuse, bullying, lack of acceptance, harsh judgement, heartbreak and loss. This internalized, often subconscious negativity literally damages us inside and out, affecting our mental and physical health, our relationships and our ability to achieve our goals. Holding onto pain, especially pain that occurred during developmental years, can lead to depression, addiction, anxiety, inability to form and maintain positive lasting relationships, low self-esteem and trust issues.

“67% of the population has experienced some form of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experience).”

Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris


The journey opened a wound that was soooo old, soooo much a part of me. My body ached but in a way of being emptied… like when you have purged yourself of secrets hidden deep within… and now there is space… to breathe, to think, to dream, to believe. And now I don’t take my LIMI rings off for anything. I even feel stronger and less unworthy to care for my dad with dementia. I also believe the IOM journey will help my trauma and transgender clients.

Rachael Gardner Purdy, Clinical Counselor, Phoenix Center Springfield

The Inside Out Movement Journey is an affordable resource that’s self-paced and can be completed in under a week.
Using a ring, paper, water and a booklet, the IOM Journey identifies pain held onto so it can be let go. Science has shown that the most effective way to release pain is to introduce a new experience that creates a strong positive emotion. The stronger it is the more you remember it. The unforgettable and empowering emotions unleashed by the IOM journey become the dominant feeling in your body, helping you manage the triggers of your trauma.

The focus at our alternative ed school is connection, connection, connection. We have so many kids and adults who are holding onto so much pain and just feel alone…I did the journey and it was very uplifting. I was able to process a lot of the things that I hold onto that do me no good and learned to show myself some grace. I feel like this message has been lost in this society where judgement and bullying people who are different than us prevails. It’s time that we wrap our arms around people and make this world a more loving place. This journey and the forever LIMI ring are a part of my daily life to remind myself of my value and purpose and to help me be better for others.

Jamie Jimenez, Principal
Alternative Education, Torrance Unified School District


The ultimate result of the IOM Journey is an ability to love yourself more and share that love and connect to others that do the same.

The IOM Journey is a tool that acts as an intervention to eradicate unhealthy thoughts which can affect a person’s life and the relationships we have with others. It can be an individual endeavor or can be used in supportive group settings, among family or with friends. The journey is personal to everyone going through the process. It is always important and recommended to have access to support. (ie. A friend to talk to, a professional coach, counselor or therapist, or dial or text 988 for the suicide and crisis hotline).

“The Inside Out Movement Journey is a revolutionary breakthrough tool for professional coaches. Clients often want coaching to work but are un-coachable because they’re incapable of identifying and releasing the mental blocks that have paralyzed them for too long. Give them the IOM Journey. It’s non threatening and can be completed in the privacy of their own home in under a week. The results will open gateways for them and you can coach them to embrace what’s next.”

Wendy Maletta, International Coach Federation Certified Coach
Past President, ICF Pittsburgh.

This is the gateway to a more peaceful and healthy way of living.

We are committed to a global movement to make our world a more loving place.

Inside Out Movement Journey

Start the journey yourself

Purchase an Inside Out Movement (IOM) Journey for $22.

Share the journey with a group of friends or family

Purchase 10 IOM Journeys and we will gift an extra because our founder loves the number 11. Eleven for $220 (Valued at $242).

Sponsor the Journey

If you would like to gift or donate all 11 Journeys to people in need, there’s an option to do this at checkout.

Suggest the Journey

Tell us who needs the IOM Journey but can’t buy it for themselves. Click here to nominate someone.

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After the Journey Forever Ring

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Our Story

“My intention with the Inside Out Movement is to empower and unite the wearers with the force of liberation and the dedication to self-love.”

Holly Riddel

The inspiration for the Inside Out Movement comes from the personal journey of Holly Riddel. Holly grew up in the diamonds and fine jewelry industry. When life threw her a curve in her mid-20’s, she began her quest to encourage greater love, connection and acceptance in the world. A vision led her back to designing jewelry and the creation of her two signature collections Inside Out® and LIMI: Love is My Intention®.

In addition to jewelry, Holly has a successful and long-term track record in identifying niche markets and emerging trends long before they are accepted into the mainstream and has designed products including fine fragrances, craft cocktail beverages, and pet products.

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